Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Halo for all mankind

The idea that Art can save lives is not a new one.  But like all great theories, over time, it wakes up on the back burner.  It is forgotten because time is a brutal enemy.

And in the fine city of Jefferson, along the banks of the Missouri river, there lies a few select people who are awesome.  I use the term in it's intended biblical sense because what they do is done without condition.  Charity active in all the brilliance that one can offer another for the sake of mankind.

The group I speak of identified as Halo worldwide.  The following is taken from their website.

                    Over eight years ago, I traveled to countries outside the U.S. and witnessed an unbearable truth. For the first time in my life I saw desperate orphans begging for food in the streets. Their faces captivated me, and the thought of these children fighting for survival with not a soul to care for the has haunted me ever since. I was then given the chance to work in extremely poor orphanages, learning about the individual lives and needs of the children.
                   When I returned to the U.S., I couldn’t ignore the images in my head. I was working with American children daily as a martial art instructor and developed "compassion curriculum" to teach our students about the orphans with whom I had worked. The students learned about another culture and what a day in the life of an orphan would be like. I was amazed more and more each day as my students grew increasingly interested in the lives of children less fortunate than them. It was their idea to host a fundraiser for the orphans. They raised close to $5,000 for the orphans in Mexico. The children were so proud of themselves and the parents were amazed.
                  Children helping children: this is how HALO was born. HALO continued to grow with children and adults becoming champions for the poor, using their gifts and talents to make a difference. It is how we are able to provide a home for so many children in need. It is our hope you will be a part of our mission. Click here to read Rebecca Neuenswander Welsh’s blog.

Rebecca Welsh is a soldier.  Perhaps the greatest kind of soldier, because she only defeats one foe...ignorance.  To let the light of hope enter lives bound to darkness is the greatest endeavor anyone can take on, but it is not easy, and in most cases, cannot be taken on alone.  Rebecca Welsh is not alone.  She is building an army of charity, they are spreading.

The following is noted as the mission of the Halo Foundation as posted on their website.

                   The HALO Foundation is committed to enhancing the living conditions and providing art therapy for orphans worldwide. HALO provides American youth with opportunities to learn philanthropy and volunteerism by seeing the world through the eyes of the less fortunate. Orphans supported by HALO are provided food, water, shelter, clothing, education, and art therapy.
                  HALO works with orphanages in Mexico, India, Uganda, Kenya, Nicaragua and residential homes in the United States. Children from these homes submit their artwork to be sold at events in the United States, and aid in raising funds for continued support.

In these days of greed and selfishness, we the lucky sons and daughters of Jefferson have ourselves a warrior princess.  Her name is Rebecca Welsh, and she fights for those who cannot fight for themselves.  She leads an army of the heart in a world of wallet ramparts.  She offers hope when there was none.  Her child is halo, and the child is growing stronger.

"Be a Beacon of Light" takes place on Friday, April 15, at the Capitol Plaza Hotel.  The hotel is on 415 W. McCarty in Jefferson city.  The event begins at 6:30 pm.

Offer light so everyone may see the path.

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